Skin Care Advice

Skin CareYouthful skin depends on the health and function of skin fibroblasts, the key cell responsible for the production of both collagen and elastin together with the ground substance hyaluronic acid.

Fine fibrils of collagen maintain the structure of the skin, elastin gives the skin its elastic recoil and hyaluronic acid, with its capacity to hold water, its volume.

The signs of ageing are accelerated by the production of free radicals that have the ability to irrevocably damage collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid poduction.

The body has an inbuilt system of antioxidants designed to neutralize the toxic effects of free radicals, generated as a normal by-product of metabolism.

An individual’s capacity to limit the harmful effects of free radicals however is constantly stressed by environmental exposure to, for example pollutants, preservatives, excess sun exposure and cigarettes.

As free radicals play an important role in accelerating the aging process there is a need to bolster the body’s ability to neutralize their toxic effects.

Vitamin A and C are examples of powerful antioxidants. Thus a diet rich in antioxidant together with creams that contain sufficient quantities of active vitamins are one way of combating the effects of aging.

Use products that bolster the skin not only through their antioxidant effects but also by supporting the skin to produce healthy collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

So for healthy natural looking skin we promote the use of active anti-aging creams in conjunction with a balanced diet, bolstered when appropriate by nutritional supplements as well as attention to sun protection.

Skin Care Advice: Management of Wrinkles and Facial Pigmentation

Anti-ageing creams together with skin lightening creams go a long way to combat the signs of ageing that is accelerated by exposure to environmental pollutants.

Additional benefit can be gained through the use of chemical peels and skin needling, techniques that are effective in stimulating skin renewal.

The benefits of skin needling and peels are further enhanced by the use of creams to prepare the skin prior to these procedures as well as the use of products afterwards designed to support and nourish the skin.

Skin Care Advice: Treatment of Acne Scars

Firstly, to prevent further scarring, acne needs to be controlled. With time the red and brown pigmented marks that may occur as a consequence of acne would be expected to resolve. Alterations in skin texture however tends to persist.

Chemical peels are useful not only in controlling mild to moderate acne through their anti-inflammatory effects but also in speeding the clearance of post-inflammatory pigmentation.

Skin needling and deeper peels are used to smooth irregular skin as well as to soften and improve scars.

Lasers too can be used to treat scars although expectations need to be realistic.

Skin Care Advice: Botulinum Toxin for Wrinkles

Frown lines, crows feet, wrinkles around the eye and wrinkles of the upper face respond well to Botulinum toxin A (Botox®) injections. Effects take 4-10 days to manifest and last in the order of 3-4 months.

This treatment is effective in inducing a fresher more relaxed appearance.

Skin Care Advice: Botulinum Toxin for Axillary, Under Arm Sweating

Botulinum toxin (Botox®) injections are very effective in switching off axillary, underarm sweating.

The procedure is well tolerated and effects last up to 9 months.

This treatment is very popular with people who have problems with excessive sweating.

Skin Care Advice: Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are useful in stimulating skin renewal.

Deeper peels are used for skin rejuvenation and have a role in treating facial pigmentation.

Salicylic acid peels and Mandelic acid peels are effective in treating acne and rosacea and work particularly well when used in combination with appropriate skin care products and if indicated prescription medication.

A series of 4-6 peels are usually recommended.

The down time with peels depends on the depth of the peel. With the lighter peels used to freshen the face and to treat acne and rosacea the reaction of the skin is minimal. Deeper peels used for rejuvenation may result in peeling and redness that lasts up to 5-10 days.

Skin Care Advice: Fillers

Alterations in collagen and loss of volume of the skin and soft tissues contribute to age related wrinkling and facial reshaping.

Dermal fillers are a way of replacing lost volume as well as smoothing wrinkles. Fillers can also be used to raise depressed acne scars.

For wrinkle correction hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane and Juvéderm are used. Treatments are not permanent as these fillers are biodegradable. Results last from to 6-9 months.

For volume replacement and longer lasting effects Sculptra with its ability to replenish lost collagen gives a natural gradual effect that can last for up to 2 years. A series of injections are required for maximum benefit.

Fillers are often used together with Botulinum Toxin treatments. Botulinum Toxin injections are helpful in rejuvenating the upper face, hyaluronic acid fillers for smoothing wrinkles of the lower face and Sculptra for volume replacement.

Individuals often start with Botulinum Toxin treatment before proceeding to fillers.

Skin Care Advice: Skin Needling for Skin Rejuvenation

Skin needling is a technique whereby titanium needle covered rollers are used (with local anaesthetic cream) to wound the skin in a controlled manner. The skin responds by producing new collagen.

Skin needling is used for skin rejuvenation of the face, neck and chest as well as being an effective treatment for acne scars.

Following needling the skin looks as if it has been sun burnt for less than 24 hours.

A course of 3-6 treatments are recommended for optimum results and results are most effective if this treatment is used in conjunction with vitamin enriched creams.

Skin Care Advice: Lasers for Facial Redness, Pigmentation and Skin Tightening

Lasers are valuable in addressing concerns with facial redness, pigmentation, wrinkles and skin tightening. Advice can be given on their role in optimizing skin clarity.

Skin Care Advice: Sclerotherapy for Superficial Leg Veins

Thread veins refer to the visible blood vessels seen just below the surface of the skin.

Thread veins of the leg can be treated by sclerotherapy, this involves injecting a sclerosant solution into the vessels with a very fine needle.

A course of injections is usually recommended and a good time to treat is in the winter.

Patients with damage to the deep venous system, by evidence of varicose veins, leg swelling and symptoms of aching need to be assessed by a Doppler scan. Damage to underlying deeper vessels would first need to be managed before superficial fine vessels are treated.

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