Insights On Cellulite

Insights on Cellulite

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the common term to refer to the skin that is full of dimples that are caused by fat that is right the surface of the skin. It is common to see have it in the stomach, hips, thighs and bottom, especially during teen years. Doctors refer to cellulite with the terms adiposis edematosa, demopanniculosis deformans, status proctrusus cutis and gynoid lipodystrophy. People refer to it as orange peel, cottage cheese skin and even the mattress issue.

It is important to say that there are three categories of cellulite. The first category is for that cellulite that has no medical signs and which only a microscopic exam of cells of the affected area can discover changes in the body. The second category is for that cellulite where the skin presents grayness, with a different temperature to the rest of the body and has little elasticity combined with some body changes evident thanks to a microscopic exam. The third category is for people who have rough skin, similar to the peel of an orange together with some signs of the previous category. Cellulite affects not only women but also men but seems more common amongst women because of the kind of fat and connective tissue they have.

Possible causes of cellulite

Nowadays, doctors are still trying to understand what causes cellulite. However, there are a number of theories that seem to explain the causes. Some of them include:

  • Hormonal influence: hormones have an essential part in the development of cellulite. Some doctors think that estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones and prolactin are important for the production of cellulite.
  • Inherited characteristics: there are some genes that are necessary to have cellulite. They may make people vulnerable to specific features related to cellulite including sex, race, metabolism, blood circulation problems and distributions of the fat.
  • Eating habits: people who have a diet high in fat, carbs or salt and not much fiber are prone to suffering from cellulite.
  • Kind of life: people who smoke or who are not physically active or spend long time in the same positions are vulnerable to having cellulite.
  • Clothes: underclothes that are too tight in the bottom can lead to having cellulite.

How can I get rid of cellulite?

There are lots of different treatments that are good to get rid of cellulite but doctors don’t back them up.

Some treatments that are physical or mechanical are massages that encourage the lymphatic flow, heat treatment, ultrasound, magnetic treatment, Endermologie, radial waves treatment and even electric stimulation. Nevertheless, there is no proof that these treatments are really beneficial.

Another group of treatments that seem to help with cellulite includes drugs that seem to work on the fatty tissues. There are several drugs that can be used including methylxanthines (mainly caffeine), pentoxifylline, adrenaline, amino acids, ginkgo biloba, rutin and Indian nuts to name but a few. Some people who have used these treatments claim that they didn’t get positive results.

Some people who are affected with cellulite that wear a special kind of clothes called compression outfits. These items are perfect to diminish the development of cellulite because they press arteries and the blood and lymph flow go up to minimize cellulite visually.

Some other treatments to reduce cellulite on stomach or other body areas via liposuction or a diet to lose weight are not really effective to get rid of it. Nevertheless, having a healthy diet and training on a regular basis are the best ways of reducing the fat in your body and avoiding the development of cellulite.

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